How to lower nitrate?
The way to reduce nitrate is to use a Carbon source.
Known carbon sources include Vodka, vinegar, sugar, citric acid, honey, dextrose, but also bio-pellets is a carbon source
In DSR we opted for the approach with vinegar, later i extended it with a mix of sugar (the Carbon V/S mix). We also have a customised dosing table for this Carbon V/S mix.
The condition to be able to reduce nitrate using a carbon source, is that there must be some Phosphate present. Preferably to be kept at level 0,03-0,08ppm. It sounds very contradictory, but at lower levels (0,0<0,02ppm) dosing Phosphate will help to reduce nitrate to lower levels.
The dosing of a Carbon source, especially vinegar/sugar can encourage the growth of sponges. Therefore dose nitrate to stabilize nitrate at a desired level.
When dosing carbon watch out for stress signals: milky water, fish breathing heavily, slime on the corals, rocks and windows. Half the dose in steps when this happens